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City heritage care

Preservation and maintenance of local cultural assets

The Stadtheimatpflege supports the city of Hof in all important matters concerning the preservation of local history. The catalog of tasks starts with the care for listed buildings and ground monuments and also includes the care of customs, traditional costumes, folk song, folk music, folk dance and dialect, the cooperation with church authorities, schools of all kinds, with scientific collections, archives, museums, with experts of nature conservation, with the district homeland preservation officer, the Bavarian State Association for Homeland Preservation, the State Office for Monument Preservation and the monument protection authorities. The tasks also include written statements on monument preservation for offices and contributions for the media, citizens and political decision-makers.

For the area of the city of Hof Mr. Leo Reichel is active as a city local preservationist.


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Auf diesem Bild sind zwei Personen mit Fahrrädern in einem Saal zu sehen.

Employees of the city of Hof find out about the company bike.

Auf dem Bild sind drei Personen zu sehen. Auf einem Tisch vor ihnen stehen Bücher.

Author Nils Pickert read from his book "Prinzessinnenjungs" as part of the Hof Women's Days.

The city of Hof is planning to design new playgrounds at Untreusee and the Bismarck Tower.

Auf diesem Foto ist ein Fußballspiel zu sehen

Players from all over northern Bavaria will travel to Hof to qualify for the final.

The students of the Hof Academy of Social Pedagogy offer summer games and craft activities.

Drei Pfähle mit verschiedenen internationalen Städteschildern.

City of Hof draws a positive balance: active exchange with five partner cities

Hier sind junge und alte Menschen zu sehen mit Eimern und vollen Müllsäcken.

Last Sunday, the generations came together to set an example for a cleaner and healthier environment.

Due to the public holiday on May 1, the collection dates for residual waste and organic waste garbage cans have been postponed.

There are still a few places available for the Hof senior citizens' trip to Egerstau and Selb.

The work of recent years is bearing fruit: the integration of refugees in the Hofer Land region is becoming increasingly successful.

Leupold Siegfried

Siegfried Leupold

Central Control and Human Resources Department

09281 815 1112

09281 815 1119