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Kita entry

The project "Kita-Einstieg" (Daycare Entry) aims to make it easier for families to enter the German system of early childhood education and to increase the use of institutional daycare. Low-threshold services and events are designed to reduce barriers to access. For the implementation, the city of Hof works together with the following cooperation partners: Diakonie Hochfranken, Familienzentrum Mütterclub, Förderverein Stadtbücherei Hof, Internationales Mädchen- und Frauenenzentrum der EJSA Hof, Kinderwelt St. Lorenz, VHS Hofer Land, Katholische Kita St. Marien, BRK Kita Lindenstraße.

Information material

This flyer gives you an overview of all current offers.

Flyer Kita entry

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The work of recent years is bearing fruit: the integration of refugees in the Hofer Land region is becoming increasingly successful.

Bunzmann Katharina

Dr. Katharina Bunzmann

Department of Demography and Migration

Karolinenstraße 37

95028 Hof

09281 815 1793