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Labor market integration of refugees

The work of recent years is bearing fruit: the integration of refugees in the Hofer Land region is becoming increasingly successful.

The Bayreuth-Hof Employment Agency announces:


According to the latest available data (end of September 2023), around 2,050 employees from non-European countries of asylum origin and Ukraine are already working in companies in the Hofer Land region who are subject to social insurance contributions. With more than 500 people from Ukraine employed and subject to social security contributions, their number has more than quadrupled in the last two years. The number of refugees from non-European countries of asylum rose from 183 in September 2017 to 1,541 in September 2023, more than tripling. Refugees are also employed by the city of Hof.

Eva Döhla, Mayor of the City of Hof: "The City of Hof has been in the spotlight for years when it comes to refugee numbers. We have always been one of the hotspots in Bavaria. From the city's point of view, there are two important aspects of these encouraging figures. Firstly, integration into the labor market helps to save financial resources. People can earn their own living. Secondly, the social component is at least as important. The people are integrated, they have colleagues. You get to know everyday life in Germany very well in the workplace. And that also has a positive impact on their family environment."


Cooperation between the employment agency and local authorities


Sebastian Peine, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bayreuth-Hof Employment Agency: "Achieving success in the integration of refugees requires close cooperation between a wide range of stakeholders. In the Hofer Land region, this works very well thanks to the good cooperation between the employment agency and local authorities in the joint facilities of the two job centers. In addition to providing personal advice and support to refugees, which mainly takes place in the job centers, the employees in the joint employer service support local entrepreneurs in their role as "opportunity providers". They provide HR managers with advice and assistance, make suggestions, initiate internships, support the process of professional recognition and pay wage subsidies."

More and more refugees have successfully completed their integration courses. A good basis for expanding and deepening their basic knowledge in a practical working environment. Many employers in the region are open to employing refugees. Around 350 of the 2,600 vacancies currently available in the Hofer Land region are explicitly open to employing refugees.

"In parallel to taking up employment, we can provide support in the form of training programs that can further improve professional language skills and provide further professional qualifications in relation to the requirements of the labour market. Where it is possible to overcome initial language barriers, employers are very satisfied with their new employees," says Peine.


Training and job exchange


An ideal opportunity to get to know companies and their current offers is provided by the training and job fair at the employment agency in Hof next Wednesday, April 24, from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. The employment agency has invited companies from various sectors to present current employment opportunities.

Further information and participating companies can be found at