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InnenHof concerts start on May 2

The InnenHof concerts take place every Thursday from May to September from 7 to 9 pm with free admission.

In addition to good music, the hosts will of course provide food and drink during the event. It starts on May 2, 2024 at the Hof fire station with "WART a-moll". This will be followed by a further 36 concerts spread across the entire city. On June 13, three concerts will take place in Trogen, including a performance by "Joy in Belief". There will also be another concert in the town hall courtyard: This time on July 11 with the band "Druckreif". The event is organized by ProHof e.V. After a short break from the folk festival, the concert series takes a detour to Köditz before continuing in the town until September 5. The InnenHof concert season ends at the Hof outdoor pool and at the Wiesental settlers' association.

"For the second time this year, we are offering an InnenHofKonzert for children," says Carsten Reichel, Managing Director of Stadtmarketing. On 23 May, the children's band "Richards Kindermusikladen" will be playing in the courtyard of the youth center Q. "The band is now a well-known name in the field of family-friendly music," Reichel continues. The songs are about chaotic everyday family life, little spins and funny discoveries. Music with groove and heart for children and their grown-ups, imaginative lyrics to ask questions and spin on. This concert starts at 4 pm.

To the complete program: