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Hof 2040

What is it all about?

Cities and municipalities are facing major challenges. Be it demographic development, climate change, digitalization, economic development or the best possible opportunities for all children and young people: All of these issues are subject to profound social changes and are accompanied by numerous tasks for local authorities and urban society as a whole.

In addition to its diverse day-to-day tasks, the city of Hof is therefore working intensively on numerous future issues. It is all about taking an imaginative look into the future and the sustainable development of our city. It's about how we all want to live (together) in Hof in 2040. How do we envision our everyday lives? How do we live? How are we mobile? What will our cityscape and townscape look like? These and many other questions play an important role.

Under the title 'Hof2040', we want to bundle these considerations and create an overview. After all, the people of Hof will be intensively involved in these processes. You will always be invited to contribute your perspective and participate in the topics of the future. For example, there will be plenary events and district workshops, as well as expert discussions and stakeholder meetings. You can also participate on an online platform, which you can also access via the 'Hof2040' platform on our municipal homepage.

This site will never be finished, but will always remain a process - just like the urban development of the future. We will keep you regularly informed about the current status of some projects on this page.

If you have any questions, please contact

Pascal Bächer


09281 - 815 / 1040

